Terms and conditions

1. General terms and conditions

The General Terns of Sales and Delivery defined hereby shall cover all offers and sales transactions during which Direct-Line Ltd. undertakes obligations to its Clients/Buyer. The sales is performed under the validity of these contractual terms, provided if the Client does not enter a caveat against our General Terms of Sales and Delivery in a written form until the date of confirmation of the order, which means the Client accepts them.

2. Making an offer
Our offers are non-binding offers prepared on the basis of data, dimensions and materials provided by the requester of the offer at all times. The offer issued by Direct-Line Ltd. is valid until 15 days after the date of delivery to the Client. Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to the right of withdrawal from the contract unilaterally, informing the requester of the offer (Client) about the fact of withdrawal.

3. Order
Based on the offer made by Direct-Line Ltd., the Client shall order the items listed in the offer in a written form.

4. Confirmation of order, conclusion of sales contract
Direct-Line Ltd. sends a confirmation (letter) of order to the Client, including the production or delivery deadline of the order. The sales contract is concluded when Direct-Line Ltd. sends the confirmation (letter) of order to the Client.

5. Advance payment
In order to produce or purchase the ordered product or products, advance payment should be paid. By paying the advance payment, the Client indicates acceptance of the confirmation of order (in absence of other written feedback).

6. Waiver
The Client shall be entitled the sales contract via written waiver of the order, however, the Client shall be obliged to pay all production and purchase costs that has emerged by the date of waiver, which may reach 100% of the amount of total price of the order. This time, the advance payment paid covers the costs to be compensated. Direct-Line Ltd. shall be obliged to justify the costs to be compensated with relevant invoices in all cases.

7. Place of fulfilment
7.1. The place of fulfilment of commercial and manufacturing products of Direct-Line Kft. is company site located at 14 street Jedlik Ányos, 2330 Dunaharaszti, Hungary.
7.2. The manufactured product is reported to be ready (readiness report) via phone or in a written form. The product shall be delivered within five workdays after the date readiness report. After 5 workdays, a storage cost of 3% / month is charged onto the Client. Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to sell products that had been stored for more than 6 months.
7.3. The date of fulfilment is the date of readiness report of the ordered product or service. If the Client delays payment of one obligation within the framework of continuous business relationship, then the delivery obligation of Direct-Line Ltd. is paused until the date of financial settlement.

8. Quality defect, quantity shortage, handling Client complaints
8.1. The product shall be considered defective exclusively in the case when it does not comply with (requirements) specifications described in the confirmation of order or in its attachment. Direct-Line Ltd. shall not be liable for any non-compliance or inadequacy of the product with the given objective.
8.2. The Client shall be obliged to indicate any defect of the product or quantity shortage perceived at the date of delivery after the date of delivery. The Client shall be obliged to indicate the perceived defects of the product within 8 days after the date of perception in a written form. After acceptance of the complaint, Direct-Line Ltd. shall repair and replace the complained product at its own costs within an agreed deadline according to the request of the Client. Reporting the defect of the product after 1 year of the date of delivery of the product shall be considered as over deadline report, thus Direct-Line Ltd. shall be exempted from all warranty obligations in this case. Direct-Line Ltd. shall not be obliged to remedy and hidden defects or pay any compensation in case of over deadline report.
8.3. Direct-Line Ltd. shall be liable for defects emerged or explored after the date of delivery of the product only in the case when it can be unambiguously proved that the emergence of the defect can be deduced from deficiencies already existing before the date of delivery.
8.4. The guarantee ceases when the product is not used for normal purposes. It also ceases in case of negligence of assembly and handling instructions provided by the manufacturer. The guarantee ceases immediately when the Client performs reparations, modifications on the delivered products or have a third party perform that, without written approval of Direct-Line Ltd. Unless otherwise regulated expressly, the Client shall not be entitled to enforce any claims different than above caused by defect or quantity shortage of the product.

9. Maintenance of property rights
Direct-Line Ltd. maintains its property rights over the ordered product until full payment of the sales price, pursuant to paragraph 1 section 368 of the Civil Code of Hungary. Direct-Line Ltd. may initiate prosecution against the natural or legal person who sells any product bought with maintenance of property rights before full payment of the sales price. If the full sales price of the products is not paid by the due date, Direct-Line Ltd. is entitled to have the products returned or shipped back at the expenses of the Client without any justification immediately. The return of products by the Client does not generate exemption from payment of default interest or cancellation penalty. Concerning products that are built in a structure thus becoming essential element of an order issued by a third party, the Client shall be obliged to assign to Direct-Line Ltd. all claims emerging against the Client of the Client that are related to products maintained by Direct-Line Ltd. By the date of transfer of ownership rights, Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to take out the products in question from the possession or control of the Client, furthermore, for the sake of the cause, Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to enter the area or establishment of the Client where the products in question are stored. If the Client processes or builds the products that have not been fully paid into a new product or structure, Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to ownership rights of the new product or structure proportional to the price of the products that have not been fully paid (made payment), until full payment of the price of the products in question. If the Client sells the products that have not been fully paid or sells the new product or structure into which the products concerned have been built, the Client shall be obliged to grant Direct-Line Ltd. claims against its Client to the extent of the price of the products that have not been fully paid, pursuant to this provision. Each of the points described above shall be considered separately, therefore, in case of invalidity of any points, the validity of the remaining points shall not be affected.

10. Payment terms
10.1. The payment of price of delivered products shall be performed upon invoice issued by Direct-Line Ltd. The original copy of final invoice shall be submitted to the representative of the Client either in the same time of sales or sending the invoice via traditional mail, in case of bank transfer payment mode, based upon request. Unless otherwise specified in the offer or order, the Client shall be obliged to pay full price of the product in cash at the date of delivery or to transfer to Direct-Line Ltd. the full price of the product upon the final invoice received earlier by the date of delivery. Deferred payment is permitted only to Clients possessing special contract on payment terms. Direct-Line Ltd. concludes a special payment framework contract with each Client on the terms of deferred payment.
10.2. The amount pursuant to invoice is due by the payment deadline.
10.3. In case of delayed payment occurring at non-cash payment term, Direct-Line Ltd. shall be entitled to charge an interest for default which is equivalent to the double of the central bank’s current base rate. In case of delayed payment occurring at special contract on payment terms, Direct-Line Ltd. shall settle the interest for default pursuant to the special contract on payment terms concluded with the Client.
10.4. Direct-Line Ltd. maintains the right to suspend the fulfilment of its contractual obligations until the Client possessed delayed payment (as compared to payment deadline) towards Direct-Line Ltd.
10.5. Direct-Line Ltd. maintains the right to partial fulfilment and related partial invoicing unless otherwise specified in contracts related to the delivery in question.
10.6. Direct-Line Ltd. is not in the position to accept any compensation or payment withdrawal as a consequence of any offset disputed by Direct-Line Ltd. and stated in a legally non-binding way.
10.7. In order to manage any possible compensation, the Client shall be entitled to issue a counter-invoice and the Client shall be obliged to pay full amount of the original invoice, pursuant to the principle of gross settlement as stated by the Accounting Act of Hungary.

11. Governing law
The governing law is the Hungarian law. In case of issues not regulated in these General Terms and conditions, the dispositions of the Hungarian Civil Code related to sales should be applied.

12. Obligation of confidentiality
Direct-Line Ltd. shall bind itself to keep all construction and manufacturing designs closed from third parties.

13. Validity
These General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Delivery are valid from 1 September 2009 until withdrawal and the actual version can be found on webpage www.dldh.hu. Cancellation of some provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Delivery shall not affect the validity of all other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the legal transaction itself.

14. Issue of invoice
The invoice shall be issued by Direct-Line Ltd. and sent to the given billing address of the Client via traditional mail.
Data of issuer of invoice:
Tax number : 12038332-2-13
Cash account number: OTP BANK 11711003-20011851-00000000
IBAN : HU 41 11711003-20011851-00000000
Address : 14 street Jedlik Ányos, H-2330 Dunaharaszti
Phone : +36-24-492-111
Fax : +36-24-492-112

© Készítette - Direct Line - Bemind Kft.