Sewage water technology

The operational activity performed by production and service provision companies often leads to waste water of different types. Urged by environmental norms that are becoming rigorous, more and more market actors have to be prepared for industrial waste water management. The quality of cleaned water that can be diverted back into communal water channels or into nature requires specific pre-cleaning and cleaning technologies.

The objective of technologic research and development project is to ensure that waste water generated by production should not only be released from the system as complying with limits stated by relevant authorities but it should also serve as a long-term, reliable solution that can be developed futher. Several new technologies are used in the area of waste water cleaning in the world which have been developed to solve a group of problems within a given system of conditions. Within the framework of our waste water research project, we have aimed at the development of solutions that support the introduction of new technology at competitive prices, taking into consideration the capabilities, personnel and material conditions of the Client.

Our rsearch activity related to waste water management covers the following areas:

  • The possibilities of reduction of COD (chemical oxygen demand) value of waste waters of high temperature and high COD value, besides gaining back the thermal content of the waste water.
  • Elaboration of cleaning technology of waste waters with dispersion content, performance of researches required for pre-design of related equipment.
  • In house disposal of emerged dangerous waste materials, reduction of pollution, with a special regard on the development and analysis of technologic solutions that can be applied for the collection and (pre)cleaning of cooling and washing liquids.
  • Development and analysis of technologic solutions that can be applied for the collection and reuse of organic waste, sludge and other compost materials emerging from the cleaning of communal and industrial sewage water.

Based on our experience gained during these projects, we as Direct-Line Ltd. have developed and manufactured several equipments that increase the efficiency of waste water management systems, through their integration into these systems.


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